I wish there was no transfer announcement... I wish there was nothing to say. But, alas, God has other plans, and Sister Purser is leaving me. I don't know if any 6 weeks has passed by this quickly before. I swear I just became companions with Sister Purser, and I thought we would have 6 more weeks together. But that's ok, at least she's just from close by. I can see her in about (11 months... hehe). Weird, she'll be home next Christmas just like I will be...This week was fun. On Christmas Eve, we enjoyed talking to our families!!! Then we visited a member family who is less active (they came to church yesterday!) Yay, thanks family for talking to me :D See you soon! We also We had pancakes on Saturday and then the other
sisters cooked for us for lunch. Then we decorated cookies that Ann Moon sent for us. :D It was way fun. We also opened presents. And then Sister Purser and I helped clean the church in the afternoon. We helped because usually no one shows up to clean the church on Saturday except the RS president... (the bathroom NEEDED to be cleaned because it was really dirty, as in... yuck). Then we ate dinner at the house of a member in Jaro 1. It was pretty good food. So, all in all, it was a good day. :DWell, we don't really have any promising prospects for baptism in January. I keep hoping, but I don't know what this area has in store for us. I don't know what Heavenly Father has in store for us... I'm excited, though, to meet my new companion on Friday. (really sad that I have a new comp, but excited to meet her... I know that is so incredibly contradictory)
Oh! I just wanted to tell one more story: Last Sunday, this man who is recently returned to activity told us to come to his Son-in-law who isn't a member, so we set up an appointment. It was kind of awkward at first cause I didn't know what to say, and he was kind of like, uh, what are 2 american girls doing in our house? Haha, but then we got talking and finally got (permission, I guess) to teach him. His name is William, and he and his wife just got married in February and they have an adorable little girl. The spirit was so strong as we taught about the restoration, tying everything back into eternal families. He really grasped the idea when I told him he could be with his wife after death. Because their marriage is so recent, I just asked them until when their marriage was valid. They both answered, "till death do us part." So we talked about what that meant, and how they could be married for eternity. At the end of the lesson was the best question, the one that made me know that William was listening. He asked how he could be really sure he would be with his wife and daughter on the other side. It opened the door to talk about covenants, and with that our first covenant, baptism. This man was prepared by God to meet us. And then we were prepared to listen to the Spirit so we could tell this man what he needed to hear. I am continually amazed at how Heavenly Father is using me to be a messenger for these people so they can accept the Gospel and be with their families forever.
All my love,
Sister Adams
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